Card Name: Dovin's Veto ; Mana Cost: White Blue ; Mana Value: 2 ; Types: Instant ; Card Text: This spell can't be countered. Counter target noncreature spell.
Card Name: Dovin's Veto ; Mana Cost: White Blue ; Mana Value: 2 ; Types: Instant ; Card Text: This spell can't be countered. Counter target noncreature spell.
一种关键字设置,用于阻止您的广告在用户执行以下搜索时展示:您的关键字词组中的所有字词以任意顺序出现在搜索中。如果只是部分关键字出现在搜索中,您的广告仍可能会 ...
... 多重否決" 。 目前有"0" 種 ... 多重否決. 敘述. 交易稅. tax 8,000. 稀有度. 稀有. 訂單 · 數據 · 掉落來源. 找不到掉落來源 ...
在联合国安理会的5个常任理事国(中国、俄罗斯、法国、英国和美国)都拥有对非程序事项之决议的否决权,只要其中任何一国反对该提案,即使其他4国全部赞成,该提案也 ...
to overrule; to veto; to reject; to vote down; to put (or place, set) a veto on; to throw out; to turn down; to rule against;a veto; hostility ...
Search in UN Digital Library for vetoes and drafts not adopted due to insufficient positive votes · UN Voting guide: Research on Drafts that Fail to be Adopted ...
你可以在创建广告系列和广告组的过程中添加否定关键词、在“关键词”标签中使用电子表格上传否定关键词、还可以将现有关键词作为否定关键词添加到一个或多个广告组或广告系列 ...
If you find that your boyfriend/girlfriend is suspicious, you may have thought about hacking his Samsung phone to get more evidence. Here, we will provide ...